Spring things I'm excited about

🌸Spring is blossoming and so are my plans! First thing coming up is that I’ll be making 1 (or maybe even 2 - time permitting!) fun memory videos next week. To not miss them, subscribe to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already. I’m hoping to share new tips on there every Monday as I’ve finally (HOPEFULLY) learned that all the beautiful and silly things I want to teach and talk about with the help of these big companies (like Netflix, Facebook, IKEA, HBO, CNN, Vox etc), I could also get to you directly (together with a few helpful people on the team 😉). I should probably create my own content no matter how much I enjoy working with those amazing teams and wish to keep working with them forever. It’s taken me 10 years to learn it so far, so I know I’ll keep relearning this:

If you are a creator - you have to create by yourself, you can’t wait for the stars to align to collaborate with others.

🎥I’m still wrapping up filming some things in New York, then for the last week of March I’m off to Baltimore for my first baby shower! (Someone else’s baby shower - not mine!). Any advice on how to be a great baby shower attendee? I’m worried I’ll have to be impolite and decline to eat fake chocolate poop out of a diaper, as that is my only frame of reference for baby showers from watching The Incredible Jessica James.

✈️For the first half of April I’m 90% certain (viruses permitting?)  I’ll be going to Spain and the UK to shoot some TV (analog TV as we call it in Swedish). I’m not allowed to share anything until it airs (as per usual) but I’ll share what I can on my instagram stories. I’m hopefully also doing a live event in New York at the end of April and I think I’ll only be sharing it in my stories… In between shoots in Europe, I’m hoping to squeeze in a trip to Camp Nou to watch football!!! Barcelona (the team I’ve rooted for and been on-again-off-again obsessed with since 2010) are playing in the quarterfinals of the UEFA Champions League. If you care about football, tweet me your favorite team! ⚽️

👩‍💻🎓Earlier this week, I just got accepted into a top coding bootcamp in Manhattan 🎉 so I’ll be low-key learning how to code even better starting next week, and when I get back from the TV/football trip to Europe I’ll spend most of my waking hours at the bootcamp in New York until the end of July (WHILE STILL POSTING FOR YOU!). I’m planning to start boxing and working out every day before class and not just work out 2-4 times a week as I do now.

While it’s possible to learn an immense amount of new information with a sedentary lifestyle, working out regularly really helps you learn faster.

Until next time, keep it memorable ✌️


Do what you can with what you have.

work out for a better memory.

Yanjaa Wintersoul